Sunday, December 14, 2014

Plans Gone Awry

I should have expected it.  It's that time of year:  hectic, chaotic and prone to pandemonium.  I had been doing so well!

Then this week I ended up with female issues - more than one at once (I know tmi ... ) - court preparation that needed to be done, and it just all of a sudden was too much.  We ended up eating out more than we should have and I can already feel the weight adding on.  My clothes already feel tighter.

I'm beginning to think that I just need to scratch the rest of the year and start fresh in January.  And I hate feeling that way.  Like I'm giving up.  Especially when I had done so well with Thanksgiving and the week after.

Maybe I'm just tired and I'll pull it together tomorrow, BUT tomorrow is the beginning of my hell-week before Christmas.  Four days of court from tomorrow to Christmas.  I've planned for it and I'm prepared, but ... plans tend to go awry this time of year.

Still, I will stay ... I would say optimistic, but that's not an appropriate word.  Maybe "hopeful" is a better term.  After all, my plan includes easy, quick meals for even when I'm dead tired, so there is a chance that I won't eat out every day for the next week and a half.  Maybe.

I'll go with that.  It's the best I can do right now.

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