Monday, June 1, 2015

The 7 Day Diet ... Again!

My hubby, two older girls and I are all doing the 7 day diet this week.  It worked well last time I tried it and I did lose almost the 10 lbs claimed.  It was a great way to get re-invested in myself and kick off my motivation again.  So, since I've fallen sadly short on those fronts these past months, I decided to give it a go again.

I lost 1.8 lbs last night so I'm now the lowest I've been in weeks.  It actually wasn't as bad this time as it was last time.  Day 1 is all fruit, and last time I was STARVING.  This time, we had a really sweet cantaloupe and it was just juicy and wonderful so I didn't feel hungry.  I ate:  1 apple, 1 handful of grapes, 3/4 of the cantaloupe over the course of the day and didn't really feel deprived.

Today is vegetable day.  I have green beans going upstairs and we bought asparagus, portabello mushroom caps, and we get to eat a baked potato today!  I'm actually not all that hungry yet.  I did a crock pot of lima beans over night since I knew everyone would be hungry first thing (although limas aren't the best choice since they are starchy).  I'm going to do broccoli in the oven with chili powder and garlic powder - they are an addicting snack.

I dread the banana day.  That's day 4 ...

I will keep you posted!

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