Friday, October 3, 2014

Hanging Around the 192s

Have I hit a plateau again so soon??  I'm holding steady at around 192.4 but I am eating fairly well during the day and not snacking at night (thanks to doing my art - seems to be a good plan).  Yet I'm not really losing any weight.

Well, last night I did have 3 helpings of dinner ... I made fish tacos and I ate the fish, the sauce and the cabbage/slaw (no tortillas) - but I made 3 bowls of it.  It's actually surprising I didn't GAIN weight after that.

This weekend will be football food and we have some girls coming over to get ready for the Homecoming dance tomorrow night so I will have food and treats for them.  Sunday should be nice and calm, so we will see come Monday what I'm weighing.

I'm wondering if I should try that 7 day diet (from Hell) again?

Or should I just keep on my healthy path and see if I reach that tipping point again ... ?

I will think about it all over the weekend and I guess on Monday I will see how I feel.

Happy Weekend, Everyone!