Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I think the true key to this journey is perseverance.

It's all easy to stay on track when everything is going well.  It's not so easy when things are NOT going the way we want, when we are frustrated, when we are feeling broken.

That's when perseverance kicks in.

Samuel Johnson said:

"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance."

I am still floundering, but I'm not giving up.  It was our 27th anniversary last weekend and we enjoyed lots of food and drinking.  I gained 3 lbs.

Now I've got to get back on track again.

I have to remember that this is for life.  This is for my health and for my kids.  Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

I think I've gotten a bit lazy.  It seems so hard to eat right, to cook right, to exercise right.  Although, I have continued to exercise, so that's a good thing.  But I've kind of gotten off track with the eating.  I need to organize my low calorie recipes so that they are easier to find.  We did just go shopping at Sam's Club yesterday and loaded up on chicken tenders and pork so now I have some good quality food to cook with.  It's when we don't have good food in the house that we end up eating out or ordering out, which is never a very good choice.  (Sometimes it's worth it, but doing it too much is destructive.)

So I will hang in there.

And persevere.


  1. That is so the right attitude to have! Good for you. You are right, it isn't always easy. Stay in the game!! xo

  2. A agree totally! In fact I've got a blog post queued up in my head about the whole perseverence thing. Most people losing weight do not lose week after week, month after month. We all have setbacks. I became single and wasted 8 months. If you can hold on, you can get there.
