Everything is kind of "meh" right now. Even my thoughts on the weight loss journey. I think my brain has just finally overloaded.
May is always rough. End of school activities, college graduation, year-end party ... oh, yeah and work, too ... it's just so much. Too much sometimes. It also leads to really bad choices in the food department. When I'm tired and we have a concert to go watch, it's easier to just grab fast-food. Not smarter, just easier.
I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on myself. I actually did plan around some of the activities - I had a crock pot meal planned on the day of our youngest's concert. If only I had been able to manage that on all the days we were running around like idiots ...
School ends on Thursday so that will help. I can refocus the time I'm usually dealing with school issues and hopefully use it constructively. Like going to the track to walk rather than going to the bus stop. Might work ...
I have also decided to focus on the short term. I know you aren't supposed to lose weight for any short term goal since this is supposed to be a life style change, but I need something to get me motivated. So, I'm going to concentrate on our 30th wedding anniversary coming up this September. We are talking about maybe doing a beach somewhere so if that isn't incentive, I don't know what is.
Plus, even if we are working towards an end-game, the process might well become a habit and habits are what help keep us on track.
So, that's what I'm going to do. I want to really lose some weight by our anniversary trip. It gives me something to focus on and work for while my mind has been trying to grasp at my "I am doing this to be healthy" motivation. Which hasn't been working lately. It's a worthy goal, but too ethereal at the moment. So I'm going for something more concrete.
Maybe it will work! We shall see!