Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I think I'm having priority issues.

So the birthday weekend actually went fairly well.  I did gain a bunch of weight - ate lots of cake, drank a lot, had football food, but the portions were okay and the weight was mainly water weight as it came right back off again.

You'd think that this weekend would have been better since we didn't have the birthdays and all, but for some reason, I ate MORE.

Clearly I must not want to lose weight as much as I think I do.  If I did, I wouldn't be making choices to eat so much!  I mean, if I REALLY want to lose the weight, why is it so hard to make the right choices??

I'm guessing it's my priorities ... which apparently change from moment to moment.

It's like I see a chicken wing and my brain just snaps and decides that losing weight isn't all it's cracked up to be and that that wing sure does look tasty.

I'm on a little roller coaster.  I do very well Monday - Friday and then Saturday and Sunday just kill me.  So I gain weight over the weekend and then lose it all back down by Friday and then gain it all back again.

So how do I keep my priorities on track?  It's an honest question.  I really don't know.  I'm not doing it, so I clearly don't have the answer.

The good news is that there will be no football food this weekend.  The bad news is that this is because it is our 28th wedding anniversary and we'll be out of town - eating and drinking!  Which isn't really bad news - it's a wonderful celebration and I'm looking forward to it!

But I really have to wonder, is eating REALLY a higher priority than losing weight?  Really?  Apparently I seem to think it is since I won't stop.

I guess all I can do is try and take it one day at a time.  I know I can do well during the week, so I'll do that.  I'll face the weekend when it gets here and we'll see where my priorities are at that point.

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