Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sickness vs. Willpower

Well, I'm sick.  I've got a bladder infection and feel terrible.  Luckily the doctor was able to fit me in and get me on medicine, but I still feel terrible.

On the one hand I was too sick to eat much all day.  On the other hand, by last night I wanted some kind of comfort food.  I certainly wasn't up to cooking so we ordered out pizza.  And I ate two pieces.  Not a very good choice, but it was a tasty one.  And it made me feel better.

This is another example of how food is emotional for me.  I turn to it whenever I'm down. 

The good news is that I'm feeling a little better today.  The medicine seems to be kicking in.  I slept better as well, so that helps too.

I didn't ride the bike yesterday - was way too sick.  Today I may be able to.  I'm not 100% but I think I may be up to riding for a time.  I was supposed to do the bowflex yesterday as well, so maybe I'll try and do that today, too.  My back is killing me and the doctor said it's from my infection.  And I had forgotten to take my blood pressure medicine yesterday so when I got to the doctor it was 180/110.  NOT good.  So I might actually take today as a day of rest to give my body a chance to heal without stressing it out with exercise.  I'll see how I feel later and go from there.  I will definitely exercise tomorrow if I can't do it today.

So, sickness does a number on my willpower.  I feel like I "deserve" to be pampered when I'm sick and apparently food does the pampering to me.  At least in my mind.  I probably need to come up with an alternative comfort.  Like just going to bed and sleeping rather than turning to food.  I need to try and eat healthy even when I'm sick.  Probably more so than when I'm NOT sick, because my body is trying to heal!  Plus there are some healthy yummy foods out there too ...

This picutre was very funny to me today for some reason. 

At any rate, I'm on the mend and will be back on schedule by tomorrow.  And I haven't gained any weight, so that's a good thing. 

Since sickness is a part of life, I have to have a plan for when it happens.  Then again, a few pieces of pizza when I'm not feeling well isn't the end of my journey to good health.  It's just a speed bump, and I can get back on the proper road once I'm well.  The point is that I need to stay determined and not forget my good habits while I'm sick.

I think I can do that.  I WILL do that.  My willpower is weak during illness, but my determination is stronger than both.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better. I find that when I am sick the pounds tend to stick on and I also want comfort food. Thanks for the chuckle with the Cookie Monster.
