Monday, May 7, 2012

Great Trip!

I had a wonderful time in Virginia!  We ate a lot and drank a lot and celebrated a lot - it was a truly wonderful time!

Now I have to pay for it ... I'm definitely up in weight!  But I have already done my bike riding this morning, so I'm off to a great start!

You would not believe the food!  Did I mention my brother is a chef?? Fantastic food!

 We had lobster:

and prime rib:

And we ate out at Mountain Lake (the place where they filmed Dirty Dancing):

And we had lots of alcohol!  I made up a drink for my mom and it was purple!  I'll see if I can hunt down a picture of it and put it on my recipe page if I can.  I called it the Fabulous Phyllis (my mom is Phyllis) and it was really fun and tasty!  (Unfortunately, none of this was calorie-free!).

But it feels good to be back home and back on track.  I'm slated to do my bowflex today  And it was great that my family all noticed my weight loss and were very proud of me!  I even got hit on at a gas station - lol!

Now we'll have to see how long and hard it will be to work back off my gained pounds.  I'm not sure how much I even gained at this point.  It will take a day or two for my body to even lose all the water weight etc. 

I will keep you guys posted!

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