Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Size 14!

I bought my first pair of size 14 jeans yesterday!!  I must admit they look pretty good, too!

I am not losing weight, but I am losing inches.  I can feel it.  My size 16s were feeling loose in the legs (not the waist, unfortunately ... well, maybe a little) and calves.  So I decided to try on a pair of skinny jeans in size 14.  I was very excited that they fit!
I worked out hard today since I was so pumped up from dropping another size!  I went up 10 lbs on my weights on the bowflex (already sore) and I rode the bike for 65 minutes this morning.  I also did my leg lifts, reverse crunches and butt crunches.

I have eaten well today.  Cereal with skim milk this morning and a nice lunch made with lettuce boats filled with ham, cottage cheese and tomatoes. I just love those lettuce boats - they are so crunchy and they cradle to food so that there is no need for bread!

Tonight will be garlic chicken, salad and crowder peas and maybe corn as well.

I hope the weight starts to follow the inches.  I think it will.  I wonder how long it will take to drop another size?  I'm just so excited about the jeans!  Such a good feeling to finally see some results from working so hard!

Hope all of you are also having wonderful results!  Keep it up!


  1. Super Yea!!! Someone is on cloud 9 right now and rightfully so :)

    Ugh to the bike - sorry, I HATE the bike. Not sure why. Maybe 'cause it hurts my bottom. But whatever floats your boat (& drops the weight/inches) I say!

    Huge Congrats!

    1. Thanks!! I actually use a recumbent bike that has a nice big seat and then I also have extra padding on it - so I know what you mean about it hurting your bottom! The good news is that I get to read while I ride - an hour of reading time for me! So I get two for one on the bike! Plus it's right next to the bed so I just roll out of bed and onto the bike - works for me since I'm so lazy! LOL!
