Monday, August 13, 2012

Time to Re-Focus

I'm at a loss.  Well, not literally - that would be a good thing, and ...sigh...I'm definitely not losing.

What I mean is, I can't seem to get myself back into that wonderful zone I was in before summer started.  I have got to come up with some kind of plan.

The good news is that I actually think I may have some planning time soon!  My oldest is back at college, my second goes back on Wednesday and the two little ones are back in school as we speak.  That will be very helpful in getting myself back on a schedule, which seems to be so important to my journey.  Who knew?

I've always been a planner, so I shouldn't be surprised.  I even color code my calendars.  So the fact that I need structure and planning to be able to lose weight is really predictable.  And the good news is, I should have planning time very soon.

Last week was pretty good.  I got so much work done that I feel fairly confident about work.  I'm almost caught up and I know what is in every stack.  I've organized everything so I can tell what's what at a glance.  I haven't been this organized in months.  Good feeling.

Now I need to switch and concentrate on myself.  I think that's where everything went wrong this summer.  With all the kids home, it was all about everyone else but me.  I fell back into that place where I came last.  I think I've talked about that issue before.  How we often put ourselves dead last even when it's important to take care of US so we can take care of THEM.

So, starting now, I'm going to refocus on me.  My journey.

Lately I've been pigging out at night - which is my danger time.  I'm very good during the day - probably because I'm so busy there isn't time to want to binge or eat.  But at night, that's when my beast comes out.  I need to re-read on my tips of how I fought and beat the beast before.  Like the ice water thing.  I think that would have been helpful last night before I had my third helping of dinner and my 2nd piece of carrot cake. (Hey, it was CARROT cake - doesn't that count as a veggie???).

I also think I'm going to splurge and either get fitbit or the Nike fuel band.  I'm a big gadget geek and those kind of things help me stay focused and on track.  I clearly need something to get myself back on track for the long run.  I seem to be able to do great for two days at a time ... I need something to help me get back to being ON more than I'm OFF.

Blogging helps.  And I've been ignoring it lately.  I need to try and blog more - every day if possible.

One thing I look forward to getting back into now that I'll have more planning time with the kids in school is the menu planning.  Last night I made a truly fantastic dinner that was fairly healthy.  It was a Cajun shrimp pasta.  I know pasta isn't all that healthy but I used the multi grain angel hair pasta.  I used peppers from the garden, onions, mushrooms and cooked those in NO oil!  I used the Pam cooking spray and then fat free chicken broth when I needed extra moisture.  Once that was all nice and cooked down (I'm one of those that likes my veggies mushier than normal people) I added in the shrimp.  I put in garlic, Cajun seasoning, salt, pepper and let that cook.  I then added the pasta and fat free half-and-half.  My one splurge was Parmesan cheese.  Boy was it good!  And it would have been good for me if I hadn't eaten three plates of it...

Anyway, the good news is that I know I'm off track.  Knowing is half the battle.  And a steady schedule is right around the corner.  Only good can come from both of those things.

So, I'm going to kick myself into gear and start back on my journey.  I thought I had hit some speed bumps, but I didn't realize I'd actually parked!  Now I'm back on the road.  I'll keep you guys posted!!

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me smile plus I so understand your relationship with your 'beast'. I do hope that you have a most wonderful day and that great success comes your way.
