Monday, February 27, 2012



Here are the tools I am using to help me lose weight.

1.  52 Weight Loss Missions - Ipad app

     I really can't say enough about this one.  It has 52 "Missions" to follow that actually make you DO things towards your goals.  It's not just a "read-it-information" type thing.  It really gives you things that you do so that you feel like you are physcially doing something to move towards you goals.

2.  Subliminal Hypnosis cd - Power Weight Loss and Self Esteem - Appetite Supression ( I listen to this every night as I fall asleep).

     Not sure if it works, but I listen to it every night.  Doesn't seem to have any adverse affects on me so far.  If it really works, then great.  All I know is that I am riding my bike every day and doing my bowflex every other day.  And I'm making smarter choices in my food intake.  Is it because of this cd?  I have no idea, but it can't hurt and it might be helping ...

3.  Body Compare - Ipad app

     This is an app where you take a before picture and then you can take pictures as you go along to compare.  It places them side by side for you and has 4 angles for you to take (front, back, left and right sides).  It's pretty cool.  It's very easy to use.  I had my "before" pictures done on 2-8-12 and I took another set today, just to see.  I can already see a difference just 19 days later.  Pretty neat tool.  Looking forward to more pictures and comparisons later!

4.  Weight Loss Brainwave - Ipad app

     This one is music/noise that you play when you are feeling a craving coming on.  Supposedly it staves off the cravings.  You can set it for 5 minutes or 30 minutes (and in between) depending on your need.  I've used it a few times in the afternoon when I'm working.  I just play it in the background.  Don't know if it really works, but it can't hurt!

5.  WebMD - Food and Fitness Planner

     This one is fantastic.  I use it daily.  It's where I log all my food intake and my exercise.  It tells me how many more calories I can eat in a day (based on what I chose as my goal for weight loss) and it tracks it all with cool graphs and stuff.  I highly recommend this one.

6.  Slim Month - Ipad app

     This one is just a daily "tip" about weight loss.  Some are interesting and some are just common sense that we all already know.  What's helpful about it is that it's a daily reminder of my attempts.

7.  My blog

     This is also a daily reminder of what I'm trying to do.  Makes me focus on my weight loss every day.  It also helps to think that I might be inspiring someone else and that what I'm going through might help other people work towards their goals.

8.  Homemade exercise log and graphs

     I have an exercise log that I can put in the amount of time on the bike and the bowflex exercises including the weights I'm using and the reps I'm doing.  I have a spot to comment so I can remember the next time if the weight was too easy or hard or whatever.  And I've also got a graph that I have printed out for each month and I fill in my weight on the days I have a chance to weigh myself. 

9.  Inspirational Pictures

     I put inspirational pictures and comics all over the house.  The ones on or near the bike really help me.  Just this morning I was having a really hard time riding and I kept looking at the pictures thinking, "That's what I'm working for.  That's why I'm doing this.  Keep going!"  And I was able to ride for 60 minutes and 14 miles today! 

I'd love to hear what other people use for their tools.  And as I find more, I'll pass them on here.  I'm open to anything and everything!  I want to make this work this time!

  Whatever works, right? 

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