Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Yesterday was hard for some reason. 

I guess I should expect these type of days.  I really didn't feel like riding the bike, but I did it anyway.  It didn't me feel all proud or anything that I did it, either.  I just felt kind of tired.  I felt kind of blah-y all day. 

Granted, my hubby was out of town and I had a lot of work to do for the office, but I just felt down for some reason.  Even though I've lost another pound.  I'm down almost 9 lbs since 1-2-12.  But yesterday I just didn't feel very "woohoo" about it.

In fact, the day before (Monday) I felt kind of nauseated all day.  I had done both the bike and the bowflex and I just felt kind of ill.  So yesterday I decided to really pump up my protein and I must say, my body felt better by yesterday afternoon.  It's amazing how your body really needs the protein when you start adding in exercise.

At any rate, my mentality was a bit droopy yesterday.  I think part of it was lack of sleep.  I don't sleep well when hubby is gone, and then I ended up with my little one in the bed (feet and all!) as well as the dogs, who decided they needed to go out several times to pee in the middle of the night.  So that may have been part of it.

But, I think the droopy feeling is normal.  I think I need to expect it.  We are all going to have some days that, even when we are doing all we are supposed to be doing, we just feel blah-y.  I should have been excited about the weight loss and doing my exercise even when I really, really didn't want to.  But instead, it took a lot of willpower to not just binge last night.  Not in reaction to deprivation, but just because I felt like it.  Luckily I don't have much in the house to binge on.  I ate one piece of valentines candy, and that seemed to do the trick.  I felt wicked and decadent, and that was enough.

How do you handle those blah-y days without self destructing?  I sure could use some tips!  I think if I had cookies in the house, I might have eaten all of them.  And not because I was hungry.  Just because I felt like it.  Weird.

Maybe this is emotional eating?  Maybe it was in response to not feeling great and I wanted the joy of food? 

There is apparently a Mission on emotional eating.  I guess I need to look at that and see if it has any tips.

You know I didn't blog yesterday.  Maybe there is a correlation.  Maybe the blogging really does inspire me and excite me about my weight loss mission.  Maybe I need to do it every day after all!

But, for today, I've made it another day.  I rode the bike for 62 minutes this morning.  I am going to try and do the bowflex before I have to do a work thing this afternoon.  I feel better today.  Hubby is home, and I know that has a lot to do with it.  I also slept better last night - the dogs only had to go out once.

So, it looks like I've made it through a moment that might have broken me in the past.  I will pat myself on the back, and look forward to making it through today!

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