Saturday, March 10, 2012

Date Night Success!

I am pleased to report that I did a LOT better last night than I did last Friday night!  I did a little research, and though I didn't make the best choices I could, I still made BETTER choices than I did before. 

I chose the fried shrimp which were about 27 calories each.  I ate ten of them, so that was 270 calories.  I only ate about 10-12 of the fries that came on the plate (I was very worried that I wasn't going to be able to control myself there - I DO love fries!).  I ate a few bites of the fried fish.  However, I did eat the tartar sauce.  That was something I forgot about during my research phase so I don't know how many calories that did me in for.  But we did not get the guacamole dip, which saved us a lot of unneeded calories.  I did still eat some chips and salsa.  The salsa isn't bad, but the chips are so, I tried to limit the number.  I didn't eat too many.  I broke them up so it felt like I was eating a lot more.  All in all, I'd say it was a success!

And, I'll go ahead and ride the bike today even though I usually take the weekends off to let my body recuperate from the week.  I think I'll feel better if I go ahead and ride today.

So, I'm pleased to report that date nights CAN be manageable.  I mean, I could have had the grilled chicken thing, but it sounded so unappetizing.  I refuse to feel deprived when I'm out on a date with my hubby.

I'm in a much better place today than I have been in a while.  The mental health aspect of a date night is so important.  I feel stronger today.  More focused.  Driven.  Optimistic. 

I'm making soft boiled eggs for breakfast and I've taken my vitamins, so things are going well today.

I am going to try some more "light" meals this coming week.  I am very excited about that given the success of that tomato soup!  I will post successful, tasty recipes on my recipe page!  I will also probably make another batch of the bean and ham soup.  It's so comforting and at only 118.5 calories a cup, it's hard to pass that up.  I just don't want to make so much of it that I get sick of it. 

Soups can be a great diet food.  Especially in the winter when it's cold outside.  A thick, hearty soup can really feel decadent when in reality, it's not high in calories.  My downfall with soups is that I always want to eat a big, thick piece of bread slathered with butter on it with the soup ... not so good for you! 

I also downloaded some more apps for my ipad that are supposed to be weight loss helpers.  I will try them out and report back to you!

Did I tell you that I made my first goal of this diet/journey?  I had set a non-weight related goal as advised in the 52 Weight Loss Missions app (since constantly harping on the numbers on the scale is often a very bad thing).  I wanted to lose 2" off my waist.  And I did!  In one month, I've shed 2"!!  Very exciting.  I know I reported my inches lost, but I don't think I said how within those inches I actually met my first goal!  Now, I've set another one.  I want to lose 2 MORE inches off my waist!

There is one downside.  I'm starting to have my clothes fit looser and look saggy on me.  But I haven't lost enough to actually go down a size yet.  So I'm in that frumpy looking stage.  Kind of distressing, actually.  BUT, I have to remember, that I'm progressing, and soon I WILL be able to go down a size and go shopping for some clothes!

I will keep you guys posted!  

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