Priority, Planning and Organization.
Before 1-2-12, I had tried "diets" and trying to "eat better." But after four kids and a high stress job, it just never happened. I could never stick with it. Life got in the way. Nothing worked.
And I realize now it is because I never gave my health priority. In fact, I never gave myself ANY type of priority. It was always about the kids, my hubby, my job, the house, the bills - I came in dead last.
My New Year's Resolution wasn't actually to lose weight. It was more of a "I need to pay more attention to myself" type thing. My health is not good. I have high blood pressure and I'm on medication for it. The doctor tested me for diabetes because of my weight, but luckily I am not diabetic. Still it was a wake up call. My youngest is six and I want to be around for her to grow up and have kids of her own.
So I decided 2012 was "me" year. What this meant is that I MADE myself make time for myself. My first order of business was to figure out how to add in exercise. I wasn't ready to tackle the food issue - I love food too much, so I couldn't hit that one right off the bat; it might have cause me to fail right there. So instead, I focused on exercise. But how? When? I work full time (plus some!), have four kids, a husband, three dogs and three cats. How in the world was I supposed to find time?
It wasn't easy. What it took was planning, organization and prioritizing. Clearly, I had to take time from somewhere to add in exercise. So, I took it away from sleep.
More planning came into play in working on the food. I finally had to tackle that issue. Losing weight really is important to regaining my health. So, I now research the meals I plan for calories, fat, etc. I make a weekly menu and a grocery list from that menu. I plan in snacks and lunches and breakfasts so that I am able to keep on track as much as possible. My hubby does the shopping so I am able to take the time to plan the menu.
You can even plan for a future obstacle. Say you know you are going to have to work late one night. Plan for it. Plan for the gang saying, "let's go get a drink" after the meeting is over. Plan for being starved. If you think about it, you can come up with something that will work for you. Maybe eating before the meeting. Maybe budgeting in the calories for those drinks so you aren't blind sided by it all.
With planning and organization, we can overcome the obstacles that block us. Where there is a will, there is a way, and right now, I've got the will!
So, we need to make ourselves a priority. We need to plan out our exercise and diet. When we have a plan, there is a better chance we can stick to it. So face your obstacles and plan a way around them!
You can do it!
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