Monday, March 19, 2012

Survived the Weekend.

Well, I made it through the weekend! 

It wasn't the best of choices, but it didn't kill me either!  And I'm raring to go this morning at the start of a new week!  Rode the bike for over an hour, did my reverse crunches, leg lifts and butt crunches this morning!

Have to try and find time to do the bowflex at some point today, which will be difficult given the work schedule today. 

I had gotten down to 201.8 last week (as the lowest of my daily fluctuations) and I'm hoping I might break the 200 barrier this week!  That would be amazing!

So, I'm back on track and very focused and determined this week!

I feel pretty good, even given the date night food and the two college kids being home.  We had a fabulous St. Patrick's Day and I enjoyed some of everything, but didn't go overboard, so I think I came out well!  We even took the kids out to eat on Sunday and I did alright there, too!

I really need to find a way to add something else in to my exercise routine.  It's so gorgeous outside this week that maybe I can find a way to get to the park and walk.  I'll have to really think hard on that this week and take ACTION

I am not losing the inches as fast as I would like to.  Some of my friends' blogs show just AMAZING results so much faster than my results are coming along.  Then I remembered that I'm old, so that's probably the reason for it.  Once you hit that 40 mark, EVERYTHING slooooowwwwwssss down. 

So, all I can do is try not to get discouraged and pump up my exercise and see if that helps!

What is changing, though, is my belly.  It is shrinking!  I can actually tell that, even if everything else seems to be going slowly.  I can tell the changes in my waist and feel the muscles that are forming under the fat that is slowly melting away.   I will just keep it up!

I'd like to hear what everyone else does when they feel like their progress is going too slowly.  How do you keep up your determination and spirit?

Part of my determination comes from my sheer stubbornness (I'm sure Hubby will attest to that!)!  So, I'm going to go out there today and be stubborn and successful!

Have a great day!

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