I was just over at Blog to Lose where I often go for inspiration and support. A girl there was so upset because she has been working hard and the scale just isn't moving. One of her friends told her it was going to take as long to get off as it did to put on. Freaked her out.
I reminded her that during that time she didn't work hard and intently on GAINING the weight, but right now she IS working hard on losing it.
What she is experiencing is the mental part of the war on fat. It's a constant struggle, and it often comes out of nowhere to blindside you when you least expect it. It causes the self-hate talk to bubble up and over and threatens to dissolve even the most argent of willpowers and intent.
During these times, we need to gather support from our friends, forcefully stop the self-hate talk and move on. We can get through those moments. It may not feel like it right then, but we can do it. I like to go back to my inspiration page and read through the quotes that made me feel good and strong. I like to read other blogs and feel inspired by what others have done on their journeys. This isn't going to stop the mental battles we have to wage, but it will help us get through them, to conquer them and to move on in the war.
These are the times that we need to think back on what started us on our journey's to begin with. Re-focus on those reasons. Remember the excitement you felt when you got underway in this war, the pride, the hope, the determination. Rekindle that!
If you have taken pictures along the way (as you really should to help SEE what you've accomplished) this is the time to pull those back out and look at those "before" pictures and your current ones. Look how far you've come!
I like to also look up low calorie meals. I have to admit, I'm a food junkie, so when I'm feeling frustrated with my progress, I like to find recipes for low calorie comfort food. Tonight, for example, I'm doing a crock pot roast. The roast is only 240 calories for 4 oz. I'm cooking it in beef broth, which only has 15 calories in an entire cup. It is going to be fall-apart delicious! I'll make mashed potatoes and use chicken or beef broth in it for flavor and then maybe some green beans. Talk about comfort food - and low calorie too! I guess I need to post that recipe on the recipe page as well...
What I'm trying to say is, we are all going to battle ourselves during our war on fat. Some battles we might not even win, but that's okay. We WILL win this war.
Today was actually a rough day or me this morning. I didn't have any trouble getting up and on the bike, but I was only on for 10 minutes when I was looking at the clock thinking, "OMG - it's only been 10 minutes??? I'm never going to make 50!!" It was awful. I struggled and fought to make 52 minutes this morning. And then got off and did my reverse crunches and leg lifts and I felt like I was done for the day and needed to go back to bed until tomorrow.
But I dragged myself out of bed, got the kids on the bus (one is home sick with the flu, however ... I can't wait for that one to hit me) and made it to work. I was still all down until I went to the Blog to Lose site and started reading and commenting ... then I felt better.
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