Friday, July 20, 2012

Where Did the Week Go??

It was last Friday since I posted - how did that happen??

I seem to be holding steady on the weight but it does feel good to be back in my routine again.  I finally started back up the bowflex and I am soooo sore this week!  But it's a good sore.  It means I'm doing something!

I've done pretty well this week, though for some reason I'm starving today.  We went to Sam's Club today and stocked up on meats and things, so I will be able to be creative in my lower calorie menus for a bit.  It's exciting to have a full freezer to work with!

Tonight we are having steaks, which is not a bad choice if I can hold myself to a lower calorie portion.  The problem is, it's so darn good it is very hard to do that.  But I will make lots of nice sides to go along with it - zucchini from the garden, a salad and sliced potatoes baked in the oven so they are a nice low calorie treat!

I'm so glad to have added in my weight lifting again.  It makes me feel so much better!  Just dropping the weight isn't enough.  I need the strength training to get the kickin' body I want back.  And right now I'm still charged and fired up to the point I actually believe I can do it!  Nice feeling!

Hubby is starting to look very nice himself!  He's been doing the bowflex all along and never stopped doing it, so he's doing really well.  He's lost a lot of weight and just looks really nice!  A girl at our daughter's college even commented on how good he looked the other day!  It's so nice to get positive feedback after working so hard!

I'm tired, but feel proud of myself this week.  Even though I can't seem to get past this 191 marker.  I seem to drop and then hold at a certain weight for a while and then finally hit that tipping point again (see my earlier post on tipping points).

What was good about your week?  I feel like I'm finally back on track and it feels so good!  I'd like to hear about your week and what went well for you!

Hope your weekend is wonderful!  Keep it up and hang in there!

1 comment:

  1. You sound super pumped and motivated! Yay! I love it when I'm back on track too since I like routine

    Have a great weekend. Dinner sounds delicious!
