Friday, July 12, 2013

Garden Delights

The garden is really a wonderful source of low calorie healthy food!!  I have discovered a wonderful salad that I just can't get enough of!

It's cucumbers and tomatoes with a tablespoon of Paul Newman's lite garlic basalmic dressing.  Holy cow - it is GOOD!  And less than 50 calories - and crunchy and filling!  My mouth is watering and it's only 8:25 in the morning!

For dinner we had golden egg zucchini from the garden, fresh corn from the garden (okay, I did put butter on it, but it's still sort of healthy!), fresh green beans from the garden, and another stuffed eight-ball zucchini.  It was so satisfying!

I'll be so sad when the garden peters out.  Luckily, we have been able to freeze a bunch of yellow squash.  I think our tomatoes are all going to come in at once so I'll freeze some in the form of sauce of some kind.  I'm hoping to get enough corn to freeze, but we seem to be eating it as fast as it comes in!

At any rate, I'm enjoying the healthy garden veggies - plus the bonus of saving grocery money!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love fresh tomatoes. I can't wait until they are ready here
