Monday, October 28, 2013

Mind Control.

I'm working on my attitude this week.  I've been in a defeatist mindset.  That needs to change.

I'm digging in this week and am going to work really hard.  No excuses.

I rode the bike for 61 minutes this morning.  I've already printed out my weekly mini-goal/logging booklet and I WILL log in all my food and try and check off all my "to do"s.

I'm not going to worry about the weight I haven't lost or the back pain or the flu that set me back.  I'm kicking my mental butt into gear and moving forward!

I'm tired of how I look and how I feel, and I can't complain about it unless I'm willing to work on it and DO something.

It's going to be a good week.

Think Fit!!

1 comment:

  1. I get how you feel. I love that saying because it is so true.
