Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Summary - 7 Day Diet

Thank God it's over.

I didn't lose any pounds yesterday, which is surprising as I think I only ate about 200 calories for the whole day.  If that.

It was brutal.

If I do this again, it will only be because I've reached a plateau or something.  If my husband hadnt' been doing it with me, I don't think I would have made it through.

Still, 8.6 lbs lost is a pretty nice jump start.

The worst day was the banana day.  The 2nd worst day was yesterday - the soup day.  That soup just really bothered me.  I don't know what it was - it tasted okay, but by the end of the day, just the smell of it made me want to throw up.

The diet made me very weak and very tired.

So now I have to integrate myself back into eating "real" food.  I must say the diet has made me very thoughtful about what I'm putting into my mouth.  After all that torture, I don't want to just go eat a bunch of donuts or something and waste all the pain I want through!  Lol!

Today I am really craving carbs since that was pretty much denied me for the last 7 days.   But rather than eating biscuits or processed breads (which REALLY sound wonderful right now), I think I will try a small bowl of mueslix cereal for breakfast.  Carbs, but complex ones and with minimal added sugar.  I do want to try and stay away from the sugars.  Tonight I'm going to eat a Lean Cuisine, just to have something controlled so that I don't go hog-wild.  I'm going to eat a lot of fruits today.  I found that I really do like them and I really don't eat enough of them.

I'm still not into the 180's again, which is disappointing.  But considering I started this diet at 199, that's not surprising.

Now I'm going to take it slow and try and be careful about what I eat.  I know this coming weekend (anniversary trip) will cause some weight gain, but I'm not going to deprive myself when I'm celebrating 29 wonderful years with my soul mate.  I am sure I'll consider the choices and if possible make "better" ones, but when you are drinking cosmopolitans, it's not really going to matter whether I eat the fried mushroom or broiled asparagus, though I will try and keep it in mind!

Do I recommend this diet?  I'm not sure.  It was very hard and I felt weak and grumpy.  If I had had to do anything remotely strenuous (other than the court, which was pretty rough), I might have passed out and that just can't be a good thing.

Still, if someone is frustrated and stuck on their healthy journey, I must say it's a morale booster to to watch those pounds drop off.  I do feel excited and hopeful about the future and it's made me very, very aware of what I'm eating.  So, yes.  I think I would recommend it for someone who needs the jump start.

I'm just so very glad it's over!

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