So, my husband had a theory as to why I've been feeling so awful the last 2 weeks. He thinks it's because I'm doing too much exercise and not eating enough (not just not enough protein, but not enough period). I told him that was crazy because I'm GAINING weight so clearly I'm eating too many calories.
Still, I didn't ride the bike at all yesterday and this morning I only rode for 30 minutes. I feel so much better today! I think maybe he was right after all! I did get on that bike and immediately went straight back to my 50+ minutes every day of the work week. At the same time, I cut back on my calories and started eating healthier (but less) AND added in the bowflex. And after just one day of not doing the bike at all and today only doing 30 minutes, plus eating a real dinner last night (I made stuffed pork chops, scalloped potatoes and green bean casserole), I actually lost 2 lbs and feel more alert and happy than I've felt in two weeks!
I think I jumped in too fast. I tend to do that. I also need to really be better about my salt intake. I have a feeling a lot of the weight gain I've had has been due to the salt content in my food.
At any rate, I feel alive today. So much better to be in the land of the living! I'm still tired, but I don't feel as exhausted as I've felt the last few weeks.
Another problem is portion control. I didn't need to eat that entire pork chop last night, but I did. It was stuffed with spinach and shredded, smoked gouda cheese - delicious! But I should have eaten about 1/2 of it (it was a very thick pork chop). I did well with the scalloped potatoes and the green bean casserole - just a daub of each, but enough to get the rich, decadent enjoyment out of it.
I also slept an hour longer last night. I get about 4 hours of sleep and last night I almost reached 5 hours!
I have started listening to the subliminal weight loss stuff again at night as I fall asleep. Maybe it really does help you sleep better...I'll keep you posted on that. I'm never really sure about that kind of thing, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
I will update soon!